dachser far east ltd.,is wholly owned by dachser gmbh & co. kg, a leading european logistics company, headquartered in germany with more than employees worldwide. to meet our continuing expansion in south china region, we are seeking for qualified applicants to fill in the following positions. good salary, welfare package and training opportunities will be provided.<br>for more information about dachser, please visit our website at web.<br><br>有意者请将本人的一寸近照,中英文简历,学历证书及身份证复印件等相关资料寄至本公司(请在信封上注明应聘职位及上班地点)或发电子邮件本公司邮箱(请注明主题,不要用附件方式发送)<br>(合则约见,勿电勿访)